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  1. Casio Wins Landmark Unfair Competition Case in China   Casio secured a major victory in China as the Guangdong High Court ruled against two watchmakers for copying its GA-110 design. The court awarded Casio Rmb3 million (US$413,500) in damages, reinforcing trade dress protection even after design patents expire. This sets a key precedent for brand owners fighting copycats.     2. Cambodia Launches Online Patent & IP Filing System   Cambodia has introduced online filing for patents, utility models, and industrial designs, streamlining the process and enhancing accessibility. The system, backed by WIPO, improves efficiency while ensuring security through strict applicant verification.   3. Thailand to Adjust International IP Fees from 2025 Starting February 1, 2025, Thailand will revise fees for international applications, including search and processing fees. Late payments will face a 50% surcharge, while eligible applicants may receiv...



A message from Chitti the Robo 

 Today I happened to watch Director, Shankar’s movie 2.0 released in the year 2018 which is a sequel to the movie Endhiran that hit the screens in 2010. The movie showcased the extraordinary creation of the Director. The admirable character, Chitti the Robo was a delight to watch. In this movie we came across the good Chitti and the bad Chitti. This distinction is worth remembering as it highlights the importance of creating a safe intellectual property or in other words safe technology. Similarly, in 2.0; the movie consists of multiple IP which includes the characters, Chitti, Nila, Minibots, Pakshiraja, etc. The storyline and the visual effects are an extensive demonstration of the IP caliber of the Director.

The film 2.0 follows the conflict between Chitti, the once dismantled humanoid robot, and Pakshi Rajan, a former ornithologist who seeks vengeance upon cell phone users to prevent avian population decline. His life energy; along with that of numerous dead birds, combine together to form an aura that manipulates mobile phones into any form through electromagnetic radiation. Then comes our superhero Chitti 2.0 to save the city and the people from Pakshi Rajan.

In this movie, there is a lesson to be learned and a message to be heard which is loud and clear. Even if this is only a fiction and a figment of Director’s imagination; we cannot deny the fact that several technological advancements have been and are harmful to organisms of all kinds. It is the responsibility of the inventor, innovators and IP generators to concentrate on the safety aspects of any given technology.

IP is a great economy generator but at the same time, IP with social responsibility is the need of the hour.

Ultimately, one should never forget that all technological advancements are only for the betterment of humans.